Shares of Hindustan Zinc rose 3 per cent at Rs 466.75 a piece on the BSE in Friday’s intraday trade. Hindustan Zinc share price surged after it reported mixed metrics in its Q3FY25 financial update.
In the third quarter of FY25, Hindustan Zinc recorded mined metal production of 265,000 tonnes, which marked a marginal 2% decline compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year. Saleable metal production remained steady at 259,000 tonnes.
Refined zinc production saw a slight increase to 204,000 tonnes, while refined lead production marginally declined to 55,000 tonnes.
Silver production during the quarter stood at 160 tonnes (5.2 million ounces), registering an 18 per cent year-on-year decline. Wind power generation during the period was 47 million units, down 14 per cent from Q3 FY24.
Hindustan Zinc has achieved its highest-ever mined and refined metal production for the nine-month period. It achieved mined metal production of 784,000 tonnes, representing a 1 per cent increase from the previous year. Saleable metal production rose to 783,000 tonnes, driven by a 3 per cent growth in refined zinc output, which reached 613,000 tonnes, and a 4 per cent increase in refined lead production to 170,000 tonnes.
Silver production over the nine months totaled 511 tonnes (16.4 million ounces), reflecting an 8 per cent year-on-year decline. Wind power generation during this period stood at 285 million units, a 14 per cent reduction compared to the same period last year.
The company has a total market capitalisation of Rs 1.97 trillion. Its shares are trading at a price to earnings multiple of 21.90 times and at an earning per share of Rs 20.68.
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At 11:41 AM, the stock price of the company advanced by 3 per cent at Rs 466.45 a piece on the BSE. By comparison, the BSE’s Sensex was down 0.37 per cent to 79,651.32 level.
Hindustan Zinc, a subsidiary of the Vedanta Group, is the market leader in the Zinc, Lead, and Sulphuric Acid industries. The company specializes in the exploration, extraction, processing of minerals, and manufacturing of metals. HZL operates 5 zinc-lead mines, 4 zinc smelters, 1 lead smelter, 1 zinc-lead smelter, 8 sulphuric acid plants, 1 silver refinery, 6 captive thermal power plants, and 4 captive solar plants, all based in the state of Rajasthan.