The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) unveiled a new logo on the occasion of the market regulator's 35th Foundation Day on Wednesday. The new logo retains the traditional blue palette but also reflects on a more modern design.
“Sebi’s new logo seeks to reflect the unique combination of its rich traditions and its new data and technology-based approach in all the three areas of its mandate in the securities market--development and regulation of the securities market and investor protection,” said Sebi chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch, who is also the first woman to lead the market regulator in its 35-year history.
Sebi was established on April 12, 1988 under the Ministry of Finance. However, the body was granted statutory powers in 1992. Sebi functions as a quasi-judicial body and is said to have more statutory powers than other market regulators like the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States.
“The power of data and technology has allowed the regulator to multiply the effectiveness of what it does. Sebi has now adopted data and technology as an integral part of its culture,” the regulator said in a release.
Under its watchful eye, the Indian capital market has grown to over Rs 265 trillion by market cap over the decades and to Rs 40 trillion asset under management in the mutual fund industry.
Despite pushback from FPIs, the Indian market has also been one of the first to successfully move to a shorter T+1 settlement cycle, introduce investor protection reforms and infrastructural reforms at the market intermediary level, and oversee the overall capital market.
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After Sebi's last board meeting, the chairperson had reiterated the regulator's commitment to investor protection and technological development, saying, “The India stack of the stock market will be a world-beating stack, barring none.”
Sebi had said that it has an average win of 75 per cent of the cases in Supreme Court, while the success rate at the Securities Appellate Tribunal was at around 81 per cent as of 2021.