One97 Communications (Paytm) closed above the Rs 1,000 mark for the first time in three years. Shares ended at Rs 1,007, up 2.32 per cent, valuing the firm at Rs 64,184 crore. Shares of Paytm have rallied nearly 30 per cent in the past one month. The gains come amid a sale by firm’s Singapore unit in Japanese payments company PayPay for Rs 2,364 crore last week. This has strengthened the parent firm’s cash reserves. Paytm currently has a cash balance of over Rs 10,000 crore. The Rs 2,364 crore sale would expand it by over 20 per cent. Additionally, Paytm is also seeing signs of recovery with monthly transacting users at 71 million at the end of the September- quarter of FY25. DAM Capital Rs 840 cr IPO to open on Dec 19 Investment bank DAM Capital Advisors on Monday fixed a price band of Rs 269-283 per share for its initial share sale, which will open for public subscription on December 19. The initial public offering (IPO) is scheduled to close on December 23 and the bidding for anchor investors will open for a day on December 18, the company announced. The IPO is solely an offer-for-sale (OFS) of 2.97 crore equity shares worth Rs 840.25 crore, by a promoter and investors at the upper end of the price band, with no fresh issue component. (With inputs from PTI)