PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO allotment status: The allotment of PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO shares is expected to be finalised today, following the closure of the three-day subscription window yesterday. The public issue, priced between Rs 456-480 with a lot size of 31 shares, garnered strong investor interest, resulting in oversubscription of 59.41 times.
A total of 1,00,31,53,273 bids were received for the 1,68,85,964 shares offered, indicating a highly successful subscription period.
PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO final subscription status
PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO received the highest bid from Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs), who placed a bid for a whopping 136.85 times. Non-Institutional Investors placed a bid for 56.09 times, while the quota for Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) witnessed a subscription of 16.58 times, as per the NSE data.
PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO allotment status
The shares of PN Gadgil Jewellers are scheduled to be allotted today. Once the allotment is finalised, investors can check the allotment status of PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO by visiting the official websites of BSE, NSE, or Bigshare Services, the registrar for the issue.
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Alternatively, investors can use the following links to check the allotment status directly:
- Check PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO Allotment status on BSE:
- Check PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO Allotment status on Bigshare Services:
- Check PN Gadgil Jewellers IPO Allotment status on NSE:
PN Gadgil Jewellers grey market premium (GMP)
Shares of PN Gadgil Jewellers continue to command a strong premium in the grey markets on Friday. Shree Tirupati Balajee shares are currently trading at a premium of Rs 333 or 69.38 per cent over the upper band of the IPO price, according to several sources tracking grey market activities. This indicates a stellar listing for PN Gadgil Jewellers shares on the bourses.
PN Gadgil Jewellers expected listing price
Following the allotment, shares of PN Gadgil Jewellers are expected to make their debut on the bourses on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, by listing on BSE and NSE. Should the current grey market trends sustain, shares of PN Gadgil Jewellers may list around Rs 813, a premium of nearly 70 per cent from the upper band of the issue price.