The stock of the heavy electric equipment company has surpassed its previous high of Rs 148.85, touched on December 30, 2022. The average trading volumes on the counter jumped over three-fold today. A combined 4 million shares had changed hands on the NSE and BSE.
The company secured cumulative orders amounting of Rs 1,135 crore for design, supply and construction of new transmission line projects for Power Grid Corporation as well as tower and pole export supplies to Latin America, Middle East and North Africa region, Skipper said in a press release.
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As on March 31, 2023, Skipper had order book position of Rs 4,551 crore, which constitutes 20 per cent exports and 80 per cent domestics orders. The company said it has a strong bidding pipeline of Rs 6,600 crore international orders & Rs 3,520 crore of domestic ones and expects a strong revenue performance across its major business segments to continue.
With pending engineering executions and improvements in Polymer performance, the management anticipates a 25 per cent CAGR growth over the next three years. With the company’s winning spirit and collective determination, the management said the company will continue to reach newer heights in the upcoming financial year.