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In India, Covid-19 cases with variants of concern rose from 10.31% of total infections in May to 51% till June 20. And it includes the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta variants. These variants have been traced in 174 districts of 35 states and Union Territories, with the maximum reported from Maharashtra, Delhi, Punjab, Telangana, West Bengal and Gujarat. According to the details shared by officials with the parliamentarians, coronavirus' variants of concern led to increased transmissibility, change in virulence and effect on diagnostics, drugs and vaccines. The parliament panel was also informed that a similar study on evaluating the efficacy of both these vaccines against the latest variant of concern -- Delta plus -- is being conducted and will be completed within the next two weeks. Let's understand the level of threat from Delta Virus from World Health Organisation (WHO) Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan.