Thoughts on how to deal with Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the ways in which businesses should be educated about it
Rajeev Kher and Anshuman Gupta: While it is unlikely that the European Union will concede any changes in the applicability of the regulation in the ongoing trade negotiations (regarding the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), India must insist on securing support for awareness building, technology sharing, standard setting, verification systems, and capacity development.
R Jagannathan: The real issue is the rate of demographic change, especially through immigration, which brings social instability and unwanted tensions. In India, where the majority community fears efforts by religious groups to convert Hindus, one condition for allowing immigrants in should be that they do not engage in any conversion and respect Hindu culture and values.
The structure of goods and services tax should be simplified, says the first edit. The second edit talks of the need for technology adoption by cooperatives.
There is a need for introspection because farmers are in trouble and suffering. If such institutes (like the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and its affiliates) were alive and making contributions, this wouldn’t be the situation.