India’s stock market indices have continued to advance, hitting new records. The National Stock Exchange benchmark Nifty 50, which has risen four per cent this calendar year, has hit new highs this week, while the BSE Sensex has touched the 75,000 mark for the first time. The market indicators are all reading green and there is little sign of nervousness at this point. In this regard, our lead editorial notes, given the level of investor optimism, as reflected in the valuations, there might be little scope for corporate underperformance in the near term. Read here
In other views
Strong, decisive rule is not the only way to effectiveness. Our experience since 1991 shows diffused economic and political power can deliver the goods even better, writes Naushad Forbes. Read here
No environmental solution can be perfect, but governments can balance the risks, writes Kanika Datta. Read here
“We decline to accept or condone it. We consider it a wilful and deliberate violation of the order and the breach of the undertaking.”
Supreme Court in the Patanjali Ayurved matter