The domestic benchmark indices witnessed across-the-board sell-off on Monday and ended over 2 per cent lower amid weak global cues. Investor sentiment also took a hit after the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism (ICIJ) reported on top-secret Suspicious Activity Reports or SARs, worth more than $2 trillion globally. In case of India, the FinCEN files so far have established sender-receiver connections for 406 transactions involving all major banks, including the country's largest, State Bank of India.
The S&P BSE Sensex tumbled 812 points, or 2.09 per cent to settle at 38,034 levels. Of 30 constituents, 27 declined and just 3 advanced. IndusInd Bank (down 8.7 per cent) ended as the biggest loser on the index.
On the NSE, the benchmark Nifty50 ended at 11,251, down 254 points, or over 2 per cent. India VIX -- markets' volatility index -- jumped 13 per cent to 22.6 levels.
The sell-off in broader market was more brutal. The S&P BSE MidCap index slipped 516 points, or nearly 3.5 per cent to end at 14,532 while the S&P BSE SmallCap index was down over 3.6 per cent to 14,747 levels.
All the sectoral indices on the NSE ended in the red. Nifty Metal cracked over 5.5 per cent to 2,232 levels while Nifty Realty index fell 6 per cent to 213 points. Nifty Bank declined over 3.3 per cent to 21,290 levels.