A sudden trend of 'RIPCartoonNetwork' on X (formerly known as Twitter) has sent the fans into shock as some reports are claiming the channel is going to “shut down.” The hashtag started trending after a Twitter handle with the name, 'Animation Workers Ignited', shared a video with the caption "Cartoon Network is dead?!?!" The viral post also mentioned that other studios are not much behind and discussed layoffs in the animation industry.
The viral video discusses that Cartoon Network is essentially dead and other studios are not much behind. It further mentions animation workers and states that workers will become unemployed in record numbers and also claims that many workers are already unemployed for over a year, but carry the animation industry during the pandemic.
"That's right. When Covid first hit animation was able to operate completely remotely making one of the only forms of entertainment that could continue production uninterrupted. But studios decided to pay them back by canceling projects, outsourcing jobs, and laying off artists on mass," the video added.
The video also claimed that big studios are doing it out of greed as they are cutting finances by reducing spending and cutting staff, still, CEOs and executives are leveraging the benefits for themselves.
"So they want to reap, huh? I'll show them. Reap. I don't think you'll be doing much with a plastic sigh, but you can help by spreading the word post about your favorite Cartoon Network shows you wish were still around using hashtag RIP Cartoon Network and stay tuned for more ways to help tag by following this account. Animation is under attack. Which side are you on?" the Video added,
Watch the viral video here:
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