PC peripheral maker Logitech on April 2 launched the Signature Slim Keyboard and Mouse Combo in India. The Signature Slim Combo is bundled with the Signature Slim K950 wireless keyboard and Signature Plus M750 wireless mouse. Customers can either purchase the Signature Slim K950 wireless keyboard or can buy the signature slim combo that comes with the wireless mouse.
Logitech Signature Slim Keyboard and Combo: Price
The Signature Slim K950 Wireless Keyboard and Signature Slim Combo MK950 are available in graphite colour at Rs 10,290 and Rs 13,995, respectively.
- Signature Slim K950 Wireless Keyboard: Rs 10,290
- Signature Slim K950 Wireless Keyboard + Signature Plus M750 wireless mouse: Rs 13,995
Signature Slim Keyboard and Combo: Details
Logitech said that the Signature Slim Keyboard allows easy switching between devices and features quiet keyboard keys. The Signature Slim Mouse, similar to the keyboard, boasts silent clicks and quick scrolling, powered by company’s SmartWheel technology.
The keyboard supports the Logi Options+ App, which provides options for Smart Actions that the users can use to skip repetitive actions by automating multiple tasks with a single keystroke. The keyboard has shortcuts for volume control, play/pause and mute/unmute and more.
Logitech said that both the keyboard and mouse have been designed in line with the company’s sustainability goals. Both products are certified carbon neutral, and the paper packaging comes from FSC-certified forests and other controlled sources. Meanwhile, the plastic parts in Signature Slim K950 and Signature Slim Combo include certified post-consumer recycled plastic.