Sony has launched its second-generation virtual-reality headset PlayStation VR2 in India. Announced in February this year, the headset is now available for purchase on e-commerce platform Amazon India, Reliance Digital, and at offline stores such as Croma at Rs 57,990 onwards.
Sony PlayStation VR2: Details
The headset features two OLED displays for 4K HDR visuals at up to 120 frames-per-second. The PS VR2 comes with intelligent eye tracking technology, which uses two IR cameras (one for each eye) to track players eye movements for more realistic and personal in-game interactions.
The PlayStation VR2 sports four embedded cameras for headset and controller tracking that offers a field of view of approximately 110 degrees.
The virtual reality headset features a six-axis motion sensing system – three-axis gyroscope and three-axis accelerometer. The headset also features an infrared proximity sensor.
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For audio, the headset boasts Tempest 3D AudioTech that allows in-game audio to adapt to players position and head movement. The headset features a built-in motor that creates responsive headset vibrations adding tactile elements to gameplay – for example vibrations for an arrow flying past the players head.
The headset comes with dual PlayStation VR2 sense controllers with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers that add dynamic resistance to each controller. The sense controllers support precision tracking and finger touch detection that detects the placement of fingers even when the player is not pressing a button.
It should be noted that the PlayStation VR2 headset cannot be used as a standalone device. The headset needs to be connected to a PlayStation 5 gaming console using the USB Type-C port on the VR2 headset.