Centre announces '5G & Beyond Hackathon 2023'; applications process starts
Hundred winners of the hackathon will share a total prize pool of Rs one crore, and the unique opportunity to scale and implement their 5G products/solutions
BS Web Team New Delhi The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has been conducting Hackathons for the development of 5G products and solutions. This culminated in the development of 5G products/solutions in different technological verticals.
On Wednesday, the DoT invited applications for the '5G & Beyond Hackathon 2023' beginning June 28 2023, with the goal of shortlisting India-focused cutting-edge ideas that can be converted into workable 5G & beyond products and solutions.
Hundred winners of the hackathon will share a total prize pool of Rs one crore, and the opportunity to scale and implement their 5G products/solutions to market readiness with the help of mentors from government, industry, academia, telcos/OEMs, said the Ministry of Communications in a press release.
The participants can develop 5G & beyond solutions from across multiple categories including, healthcare, education & governance, agritech & livestock, environment, public safety & disaster management enterprise, smart cities & infrastructure, cyber security, banking, finance & insurance, logistics & transportation, multimedia & broadcast satellite, and others, it said.
Individuals, students, start-ups, and academic institutions from India are welcome to participate in the 5G & Beyond Hackathon, it added.