Reliance has launched its JioTag with an attractive price tag. The JioTag is launched as an alternative to Apple AirTag in the country. Apple is offering AirTag at a price of Rs 3490 each and Rs 11,900 for a pack of four. On the other end, Jio is offering the JioTag at a significantly low price, as its actual price is Rs 2,199.
Currently, Jio is selling JioTag at a heavily discounted price of Rs 749. The JioTag is available only at Jio's official website, i.e.,
JioTag: Features
The JioTag helps to track devices and accessories. The device weighs 9.5 grams and measures 3.82 x 3.82 x 0.72cm. The JioTag is very effective and helpful, all you need to do is just connect JioTag with your JioThings app on your smartphone, and you can attach the tag to your wallet, handbag, or any other personal item to keep track of them.
The Jio company offers extra battery and lanyard in its JioTag device. The JioTag has an inbuilt Replaceable CR2032 battery. Its battery life is up to 1 year.
It can also discover the user's misplaced mobile phone, as JioTag can help to find the mobile. Just double-tap on your linked JioTag to ring your phone, even if your device is on silent.
The JioTag also alerts users when they leave their belongings behind like wallet, keys or other items behind, it will tell you where the users left these items with the accurate location of the item.
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In case, the user lost their belonging and forgets where they lost the belonging, the device will assist with the accurate last location of the belonging.
Even after making lots of efforts, if the user cannot find the belonging even at the last disconnection location, they can mark their JioTag as lost on the JioThings app, and thereon the JioCommunity Find will search and report back the location of their lost JioTag.