Samsung is reportedly planning to launch the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1-powered Galaxy S23 FE smartphone in India soon. In India, the smartphone was originally launched in October this year with Exynos 2200 system-on-chip. According to a report on the Sammobile, the Fan Edition of the Samsung Galaxy S23 powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 would launch in India in the coming months.
Previously, Samsung did the same with the Galaxy S21 FE model. It launched the smartphone in 2022 with Exynos 2100 SoC and refreshed it with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 SoC in July 2023. This time, however, the company is set to trim the refresh time period by bringing the Qualcomm chip powered Galaxy S23 FE soon.
Samsung Galaxy S23 FE: Specification
Priced at Rs 59,999 onwards, the Galaxy S23 FE is offered in 8GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage configurations. The smartphone boasts a 6.4-inch fullHD+ Dynamic AMOLED panel of up to 120Hz refresh rate. Powered by the Exynos 2200 chipset, the Galaxy S23 FE boots up Android 13 out-of-the box.
On the camera front, the Galaxy S23 sports a 50-megapixel primary sensor of an f1.8 aperture. Besides, there is a 12MP ultra-wide-angle lens of an f2.2 aperture and 123-degree field-of-view and an 8MP telephoto lens for 3x optical zoom. On the front, the Galaxy S23 FE sports a 10MP camera sensor.
A 4,500mAh battery, supported by a 25W wired charging, powers the smartphone. The phone supports wireless charging 2.0 and wireless powershare.