Air India Revival

209 Air India employees submit EoI for 51% stake in national carrier

Disinvestment guidelines mandate that the company will not be able to partner any private company. It has to partner with either a bank or a financial institution

Updated On: 14 Dec 2020 | 4:55 PM IST

Air India operations will continue uninterrupted, says aviation ministry

Air India has been facing a cash shortfall of over Rs 200 crore each month despite an increase in revenue

Updated On: 14 Jan 2020 | 9:10 PM IST

Risky flight plan

AI's bond market plan does not address core concerns

Updated On: 02 Jul 2019 | 1:29 AM IST

Govt looks to rejig Air India debt to sweeten deal for buyer

PMO is learnt to have suggested that Air India should be owned and run by domestic investors only

Updated On: 01 Jun 2017 | 1:53 AM IST

Govt to weigh all options for Air India revival

Minister of State,Civil Aviation, Jayant Sinha said everything would be done in national interest

Updated On: 30 May 2017 | 5:21 PM IST