Some viewers argued finfluencer Neha Nagar's estimates were reflective of an upper-middle-class urban lifestyle, making them unrealistic for the average Indian household
The Chennai couple decided not to seek professional help and relied on WhatsApp group instructions to deliver their baby at home. A local health officer complained to the police
The cost of baby milk formula was in the spotlight during Britain's inflation-driven cost of living crisis, with media reports saying that some struggling parents had resorted to watering it down
Soon after her birth, her mother was taken to New Delhi's Safdarjung Hospital where ministers, bureaucrats made a beeline to get photographed with the nation's billionth citizen
After 38,000 serious allegations, Johnson and Johnson's talc-based baby powder will stop international sales from 2023. The product has already been discontinued in the US and Canada
The data from NFHS-5 for 22 states and Union Territories, that were collected between June 1, 2019, and January 30, 2020, were released in December 2020