Merrill Lynch India Equities Fund Mauritius Ltd on Tuesday offloaded 3.86 lakh shares at avg price of 1,306 per of private lender HDFC Bank for around rs 51 crore through open market transaction
Merrill Lynch Markets Singapore Pte Ltd has settled a case pertaining to incorrect reporting of offshore derivative Instruments (ODI) in monthly reports filed with capital markets regulator Sebi.
Jaguar hired Bank of America Merrill Lynch to meet investors in the US last week ahead of a potential sale of new bonds, and days after warning the deadly virus outbreak was impacting its supply chain
RBI has been blaming banks for slower transmission of its policy moves into their lending rates and continuously nudging them to cut more, so that credit pick up can increase to help broader growth
According to BofAML, trade war, Monetary policy impotence, bond market bubble and a credit event are some of the other 'tail risks' that the fund managers seem to be wary about
Even though this will raise the overall public sector borrowing, the market will not react adversely as the money raised will be tied to funding specific needs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said
Analysts at foreign brokerage Bank of America Merrill Lynch said the RBI will cut rates by 0.25 per cent in December, and follow it up with a 0.15 per cent in February
The Bank of America Merril Lynch report has identified Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Jammu and Kashmir, North East and Assam from where Vodafone Idea may exit
Investors are happy to accept a lower cost of capital for companies, which have the right governance structures, good management, and excellent track record, says Raj Balakrishnan