Food grain production in the kharif season is estimated to have increased by 7.9 per cent relative to the previous year, while estimated rabi production is set to increase by 6 per cent
Train-related information must be communicated clearly at the railway stations. At large stations, such as New Delhi Railway Station, more digital screens displaying arrivals and departures are needed
India's tech economy matured during the boom-bust cycle with investors waking up to India's advantages in providing information-technology (IT) services to the world
Analysts are already beginning to discuss the possible "Japanification" of China, referencing the long, deflationary stagnation that plagued Japanese economy after its boom years ended in early 1990s
Growing prosperity, urbanisation, and sedentary lifestyles are out of sync with Indian cuisine, undoubtedly among the world's most delicious but traditionally suited for manual work
Resetting trade with the US and the European Union would be a step forward for India, and the government must work on building domestic approval of deals as quickly as possible
Enhancing productivity through innovation and technology infusion is critical. India must facilitate technology transfer, improve ease of doing business, and incentivise research and development
From the thickets of alternative facts, Maga (Make America Great Again) tropes, inflated claims, and theatrical asides involving invitees in the gallery, two signals emerged from Mr Trump's address
After a slow start, Europe now provides about half the military support Ukraine receives. But this understates the degree of American centrality to Ukraine's war effort
The World Trade Organization (WTO) seemed unable to rein in China's hidden subsidies to its exporting sectors, and to restore a level playing field for global trade
While the Indian IT industry says AI will create more jobs than it extinguishes, there could be short-term pain and entirely new business models will be required in the long term