One of the main reasons is that public procurement decreased due to delays caused by elections. The Budget could only be presented in July, resulting in a loss of six months, said Anil Bhardwaj
Central Public Sector Enterprises ETF runs a concentrated portfolio with a handful of stocks having weights of as high as 20 per cent on the underlying index
The government plans to raise up to Rs 10,000 crore from this tranche of the CPSE ETF, which tracks shares of 11 Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs).
The government is expected to use the mutual fund (MF)-route more aggressively as it looks to meet its disinvestment target of Rs 1.05 trillion for 2019-2020
CPSE ETF FFO4 oversubscribed by about 8 times so far against the base issue size of Rs 3,500 crores. Government has decided to retain Rs 10,000 crores, says DIPAM