Once the allotment is finalised, investors can check Quadrant Future Tek's allotment status by visiting the official website of the NSE, or, Link Intime India
Sensex zoomed 755.85 points or 0.96 per cent and logged an intraday high at 79,263.26, while Nifty advanced 231.25 points or 0.97 per cent to the day's high at 23,974.15. Here's why
Godrej Industries reported its Q2 results after market hours on Wednesday which showed that the company's net profit rose 287.62 per cent to Rs 87 crore as compared to Rs 229 crore a year ago
The total market capitalisation of BSE-listed companies declined by Rs 48 trillion to Rs 430 trillion after reaching a peak of Rs 478 trillion on September 27