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Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday slapped fines amounting to Rs 14.2 crore on LEEL Electricals' promoter Bharat Raj Punj and its six former officials and barred them from the securities markets for up to five years in a case of malpractices and manipulations in the company's accounts. Also, they have been barred from being associated with any listed company or any registered intermediary, in any capacity, including as a director for three years. The seven individuals penalised by Sebi are Anita Kakar Sharma, who was compliance officer and Vice President (Finance) between April 2006 and December 2018 at LEEL. Achin Kumar Roy, Nipun Singhal, and Mukat Behari Sharma were whole-time members and CFO of LEEL from September 2007 to April 2019. Achin and Mukat were members of the auditing committee between 2007 and 2014. In addition, Surjit Krishan Sharma, Geeta Tekchand were the independent directors of LEEL from January 2005 to July 2019, and Bharat Raj Punj, a promoter of the ...
Havells India Ltd on Wednesday said its consumer durables brand Lloyd has forayed into the Middle East market through a distribution partnership with Dubai-based TeknoDome. Lloyd's focus in the Middle East encompasses a range of technologically advanced and energy-efficient products and the company has introduced a portfolio, including a premium range of ACs, front-load and semi-automatic washing machines, frost-free and side-by-side refrigerators and LED TV range, Havells India said in a statement. Havells India Chairman and Managing Director Anil Rai Gupta said the company's commitment has been expanding its international presence. "...We take pride in Making in India for the world. Lloyd has been synonymous with innovation and trust in India, and we are confident that our range of products will resonate with the preferences and lifestyle of the Middle East market," he added. On the partnership with Havells, TeknoDom Chairman and Managing Director Saket Gaurav said, "This ...