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Over 300 companies, including top -notch MNCs, took part in the 2016-17 placement season at IIT Bombay (IIT-B), where 1,114 jobs were offered with an average gross salary of Rs 11.41 lakh per annum. Companies recruited across all profiles, including core engineering, research & development, consulting, analytics and software, IIT-B said in a statement here today. Carried out in two phases, the placement season 2016- 17 saw participation from 305 recruiters. A total of 1,114 jobs were offered to students with an average gross salary of Rs 11.41 lakh a year, the leading technology institute said. Major recruiters included Airbus Group, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Google, Goldman Sachs, Intel, Microsoft, ONGC, Procter & Gamble, Samsung R&D, Texas Instruments, Tata Steel and Qualcomm, among others. Companies from countries like Japan and Singapore were amongst the top international recruiters. Some of the international recruiters were Murata Group Japan, .