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Sebi on Monday revoked the securities market ban imposed on 14 entities in the matter of alleged insider trading in Lux Industries Ltd saying the charges levelled against them could not be sustained. The 14 entities include Udit Todi, the son of the managing director of Lux, who is currently holding the post of executive director in the company, according to Sebi's order. The regulator, through its interim order passed in January 2022, barred 14 entities from indulging in insider trading and ordered impounding ill-gotten gains of Rs 2.94 crore in the matter. Later, the directions were confirmed by Sebi in May 2022. After the conclusion of the investigation into the matter, Sebi said that a restraining direction issued against these entities through an interim order and a confirmatory need not be continued. Also, it said that Rs 2.94 crore impounded in the matter will be released, along with the interest. Revoking the securities market ban, Sebi observed that the "flow of communica
The Income Tax department Friday conducted search operations at the various premises of hosiery major city-based Lux Industries Limited, the company said in a regulatory filing. It is alleged that the company had evaded taxed to the tune of Rs 200 crore. The company in its regulatory filing with the BSE said that a search is being conducted at the premises of the firm and full cooperation is being extended to the central agency's officials. "We would like to further inform that as the survey is yet to conclude, we are unable to make the assessment of its impact. Once the survey concludes the company will update the stock exchanges in case there is any material impact resulting from the above survey," the company said. The company shares fell 3.02 per cent on the NSE and closed at Rs 1473.50 apiece.