Malabar planning and exercise lead rotates each year among participating nations, with exercise location to demonstrate the combined ability to exercise across entire West Pacific and Indian Ocean
The second phase of the high-voltage Malabar exercise featuring the navies of all four Quad countries is scheduled to take place in the Bay of Bengal from October 11 to 14
India on Friday kick started a two-day naval exercise with Russia in eastern Indian Ocean, two weeks after it conducted the Malabar wargames with the US, Australia and Japan.
There is concern in South Block at the poor state of readiness of the navy's 140-odd warships, which face severe shortages in sonar equipment, helicopters and torpedoes
The major highlight of the four-day second-phase exercise was the participation of the Indian Navy's Vikramaditya carrier battle group and the Nimitz strike group of the US Navy
The Malabar phase-2 exercise involves coordinated operations of increasing complexity among the navies of the four countries which are part of the Quad or Quadrilateral Coalition
The first phase of the Malabar exercise among the navies of India, the US, Japan and Australia will kick start off Visakhapatnam in the Bay of Bengal on Tuesday