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He said his concerns about NAFTA-triggered outsourcing had triggered his run for the presidency in 2016

Updated On: 29 Jan 2020 | 11:41 PM IST

The parts make four international border crossings in all, without a single tariff levied

Updated On: 18 Nov 2019 | 6:44 PM IST

If Trump did dump Nafta, the three nations would revert to trade rules in place before it came into effect in 1994

Updated On: 07 Apr 2019 | 9:17 PM IST

Trump's decision to set in motion a possible end to largely free trade in North America comes amid some scepticism from Democrats about the new trade deal

Updated On: 02 Dec 2018 | 11:27 AM IST

US president Donald Trump, the architect of the USMCA, is also asking India to sign a trade deal with America

Updated On: 03 Oct 2018 | 5:53 PM IST

It's a cosmetic change for an otherwise consequential set of revisions

Updated On: 02 Oct 2018 | 12:36 PM IST

Trump said 'India charges us tremendous tariffs' and Brazil 'charge us whatever they want'

Updated On: 02 Oct 2018 | 7:51 AM IST

The United States has imposed a Sept 30 deadline for Canada to agree to the text of a new NAFTA

Updated On: 28 Sep 2018 | 7:57 AM IST

While the two sides failed to meet a deadline set by the White House, both US and Canadian negotiators insisted that they were making progress

Updated On: 01 Sep 2018 | 10:36 AM IST

The NAFTA deal that is taking shape would likely strengthen North America as a manufacturing base by making it more costly for automakers to import a large share of vehicle parts

Updated On: 31 Aug 2018 | 8:47 AM IST

If doubts remained, consider the environment section: Mexico and the US agreed to prohibit "shark-finning," the practice of cutting the fins from sharks and leaving them to die

Updated On: 29 Aug 2018 | 2:46 PM IST

The United States and Mexico agreed on Monday to overhaul the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), putting pressure on Canada

Updated On: 28 Aug 2018 | 9:41 AM IST

Mexico and Canada have opposed the US sunset demand that would kill the pact unless it is renegotiated every five years, a plan that business groups also say will stifle long-term investment decisions

Updated On: 26 Aug 2018 | 8:32 PM IST

Trump said the US had been taken advantage of for many decades on trade. Those days are over, he added

Updated On: 01 Jun 2018 | 11:29 PM IST

He noted that the North American free trade area was the world's largest and represented more than a quarted of global GDP

Updated On: 14 Oct 2017 | 11:03 AM IST

Trump administration has framed NAFTA negotiating motives around reducing trade deficit with Mexico

Updated On: 14 Aug 2017 | 5:38 PM IST

Despite good intentions and purported goodwill, objectives for a revised Nafta are unachievable

Updated On: 26 Jul 2017 | 8:11 AM IST

US, Mexico & Canada would meet in Washington to discuss logistics of the talks

Updated On: 19 Jul 2017 | 1:44 AM IST

Negotiations would not be easy and would definitely not include quotas or tariffs, says Guajardo

Updated On: 22 Feb 2017 | 8:37 AM IST

Similarly, Trump has vowed to withdraw from Nafta if he cannot renegotiate it to benefit US interests

Updated On: 25 Jan 2017 | 4:46 AM IST