Pakistan IMF Loan

IMF asks Pak to freeze govt employees' pay, stick to fiscal consolidation

The Pakistan government is resisting the demand due to high inflation that has eroded people's real income

Updated On: 05 Jun 2020 | 2:47 PM IST

Is Pak eligible for another bailout package? IMF team to review performance

The successful completion of the first review would enable Pakistan to draw about $453 million from the International Monetary Fund in December

Updated On: 28 Oct 2019 | 6:26 PM IST

IMF to send crisis team to cash-strapped Pak to curtail budget deficit

The decision was taken in the wake of the worsening fiscal situation of Pakistan's economy

Updated On: 06 Sep 2019 | 5:03 PM IST

IMF urges Pakistan to mobilise tax revenues for development spending

The IMF, together with other international partners, is working closely with the government of Pakistan to support the implementation of the authorities' economic reform programme

Updated On: 22 Jul 2019 | 5:10 PM IST

Pakistan's need for a bailout comes from China's reckless lending

China is investing some $62 billion across a range of projects in Pakistan, including roads, ports, energy plants and business parks

Updated On: 02 Aug 2018 | 10:08 PM IST