Rabi Acreage

Why weather over the next few weeks determine India's rabi harvest health

Though, for many crops, there is still time before the full final harvest hits the markets, market players have already started speculating and predicting the harvest

Updated On: 03 Jan 2024 | 10:44 AM IST

Availability of seeds for rabi season 20.7% more than requirement: Agri Min

The availability of seeds for sowing in the 2023-24 rabi (winter) season for crops like wheat is estimated to be 159.03 lakh quintal, 20.70 per cent higher than the country's overall requirement, according to agriculture ministry data. The overall seeds requirement is estimated to be 131.75 lakh quintal for the 2023-24 rabi season. Sowing of rabi crops begins from October, while harvesting starts from March/April. Wheat is the main rabi crop. As per the ministry's data, the availability of wheat seeds is estimated to be 123.43 lakh quintal, as against the requirement of 102.63 lakh quintal for the rabi season of this year. The availability of sorghum would be 1.04 lakh quintal for the rabi season, as against the requirement of 0.74 lakh quintal. In case of rabi pulses, the availability of chickpea seeds would be 25.04 lakh quintal, as against the requirement of 21.38 lakh quintal, while the seeds supply of black gram would be 1.49 lakh quintal, as against 1.14 lakh quintal in the

Updated On: 27 Sep 2023 | 7:58 PM IST

Rabi sowing ends with 3% rise in acreage; mustard sown in around 9.8 mn ha

The area covered under chana (gram), which is the biggest pulses grown in the rabi season, was around 11.2 mn hectares, which was 1.8% less than last year but 13.36% more than the normal area

Updated On: 03 Feb 2023 | 11:23 PM IST

Wheat area rises as markets await Centre's approval for open sales

This is 12 per cent more than the normal area and among the highest in recent years. Normal area is the average area of the last five years

Updated On: 20 Jan 2023 | 11:08 PM IST

Wheat acreage up slightly at 34.1 mn hectare so far this rabi season

Wheat acreage has increased marginally to 341.13 lakh hectare (ha) so far in the ongoing rabi season of the 2022-23 crop year (July-June), according to the agriculture ministry data. Sowing of wheat, the main rabi (winter) crop, had begun from October onwards. Maize, jowar, gram and mustard are other major rabi crops. Harvesting of these crops will begin in March/April next year. According to the latest data, the area under coverage for wheat has risen to 341.13 lakh ha till January 20 of the current rabi season of the 2022-23 crop year (July-June) against 339.87 lakh ha during the same period last year. The higher area has been reported mainly from Rajasthan (2.52 lakh ha), Bihar (1.49 lakh ha), Maharashtra (0.92 lakh ha), Chhattisgarh (0.54 lakh ha), Gujarat (0.48 lakh ha) and Uttar Pradesh (0.22 lakh ha). The lesser area under coverage for wheat is mainly reported from Madhya Pradesh (4.15 lakh ha), Jharkhand (0.34 lakh ha), Punjab (0.18 lakh ha), Himachal Pradesh (0.10 lakh ha

Updated On: 20 Jan 2023 | 7:27 PM IST

Wheat acreage up 3.59% till Dec 30, highest area in Uttar Pradesh

As the sowing of rabi crops almost comes to a close, the total area under wheat has gone up by 3.59 per cent to 325.10 lakh hectare (ha) from over the year-ago period, according to the agriculture ministry data released on Friday. Sowing of wheat, the main rabi (winter) crop, had begun from October onwards. Maize, jowar, gram and mustard are other major rabi crops. Harvesting of these crops will begin in March/April next year. According to the latest data, farmers have sown wheat in more area in 325.10 lakh ha till December 30 of the current rabi season of the 2022-23 crop year (July-June) against 313.81 lakh ha during the same period last year. The higher area was reported in Uttar Pradesh (3.59 lakh ha), Rajasthan (2.52 lakh ha), Maharashtra (1.89 lakh ha), Gujarat (1.10 lakh ha), Bihar (0.87 lakh ha), Madhya Pradesh (0.85 lakh ha), Chhattisgarh (0.66 lakh ha), West Bengal (0.21 lakh ha), Jammu & Kashmir (0.08 lakh ha), Assam (0.02 lakh ha) and Jharkhand (0.03 lakh ha), it ...

Updated On: 30 Dec 2022 | 10:15 PM IST

Wheat acreage surges 25% from last year; but weather remains a concern

Traders are confident that total acreage will be 10-15 per cent more than the previous years

Updated On: 09 Dec 2022 | 11:49 PM IST

Chhattisgarh govt cuts acreage of paddy to zero for coming rabi season

The state wants to encourage farmers for crop diversification and go for wheat, gram, and peas in this season

Updated On: 10 Nov 2022 | 10:31 PM IST

Rabi sowing tracker: Mustard covers 72% of normal area, wheat spikes

Mustard is usually sown in 6.4 million hectares, and sowing in almost 4.6 million hectares is complete till Friday

Updated On: 04 Nov 2022 | 11:00 PM IST

Solvent Extractors Assn seeks release of 100 kg GM mustard for this rabi

Edible oil body plans sow the seeds in 200 out of the 1,000-odd model mustard farms that it plans to set up this season

Updated On: 02 Nov 2022 | 7:56 PM IST

Scientists say GM mustard production can start from this rabi itself

An official clarification made later says approval has come from GEAC, which is authorised to do so, and not from MoEF

Updated On: 31 Oct 2022 | 7:03 PM IST

Sowing hope: Nearly 54% jump in early wheat planting, shows data

However, this year, traders and market sources are hopeful that there could be a 10-15 per cent rise in wheat acreage

Updated On: 28 Oct 2022 | 11:03 PM IST

Mustard area jumps by 30% on high prices, shows data

Overall, rabi crops have been sown in around 26.06 million hectares till November 11, which is 21.43 per cent more than the area covered during the same period last year

Updated On: 19 Nov 2021 | 1:55 AM IST

Total acreage slightly up at 431,000 hectares till Oct 14 in Rabi season

Total area under coverage in the ongoing Rabi (winter-sown) season is marginally up at 4.31 lakh hectares so far, mainly due to an increase in acreage of oilseeds crop. In the year-ago period, the acreage stood at 4.21 lakh hectares. The sowing of wheat, a major Rabi crop, has not been reported till October 14 by any state. Sowing in Rabi season starts from October. Minor area of 0.87 lakh hectares coverage has been reported by Tamil Nadu only in rice, an official statement said on Thursday. The acreage of rice stood at 0.99 lakh hectares in the year-ago period. In case of pulses, 0.25 lakh hectares area has been sown so far this season as against 1.18 lakh hectares in the same period last year. Coarse cereals sowing area has risen to 0.38 lakh hectares from 0.22 lakh hectares. In case of oilseeds, about 2.81 lakh hectares area coverage has been reported so far by Uttar Pradesh (2.79 lakh hectares), Karnataka (0.01 lakh hectares) and Jammu & Kashmir (0.01 lakh hectares). Oilsee

Updated On: 14 Oct 2021 | 8:33 PM IST

Coronavirus: TAFE offers 3,000 tractors for rent-free use by UP farmers

Tractor major to provide tractor, farm implements for rabi season

Updated On: 04 Apr 2020 | 6:28 PM IST

India on course for bumper harvest, Rabi sowing scales multi-year high

Data from the agriculture ministry shows that among the main rabi crops, wheat acreage touched a record 33.02 million ha as on January 16, 2020

Updated On: 18 Jan 2020 | 10:00 PM IST

Extended rains lower acreage in rabi season; sowing of gram down 22%

According to most market participants, with the ideal time for sowing chana nearing its end, final output could get impacted unless there is a big jump in acreage in the next few weeks

Updated On: 23 Nov 2019 | 1:51 AM IST

Rabi acreage 6% more than last year

From here, all eyes on weather, mainly during harvest time

Updated On: 04 Feb 2017 | 1:56 AM IST