The Delhi Department Authority has launched an online facility for conversion of plotted properties from leasehold to freehold, officials said on Friday
The total portfolio of the JV is 15-16 million sq ft, of which 3-4 million sq ft is operational. Warburg Pincus has a 70 per cent stake, while Embassy Group has 30 per cent shareholding in the JV
Analysts say several have raised funds by selling rental-yielding assets, some second rung cash-strapped builders are asking their banks and financial creditors to take over half-completed projects
In a separate report by the economic wing of State Bank of India (SBI), the realty segment was among the top sectors where players / companies opted for moratorium
Property consultant JLL India is aiming to become a significant player in the real estate technology space and will also invest to grow its housing brokerage business
India's real estate market is grappling with a lingering lockdown that's slowed construction and sharply crimped new sales in an already struggling market.
Among other aspects, they are pushing to extend the definition of "affordable housing" to homes costing up to Rs 75 lakh as against a maximum of Rs 45 lakh right now
Faced with no movement in sales in the past three-odd months due to lockdown and Covid-19-related issues, property developers are resorting to price cuts
CREDAI and Naredco have been demanding one time restructuring of developers outstanding loans with financial institutions to prevent bad loans and making them eligible for fresh borrowings
The Indian property market was being hobbled by a cash crunch even before the coronavirus outbreak, which has already infected more than 350,000 in the world's second most populous country