Solar Tariffs

Solar tariff could rise up to 40-45p per unit over customs duty change

The tariffs for solar power could increase between 25-45 paise per unit (kWh) due to Basic Customs Duty (BCD) on imported solar cells and modules

Updated On: 16 Mar 2021 | 4:00 PM IST

Boost for zero-emission sources as global capital backs Indian solar power

The tumbling tariffs of solar power, however, have slashed the expectations of returns by investors from 14 per cent to 12 per cent

Updated On: 25 May 2020 | 6:46 PM IST

Covid-19 crisis: ACME cancels pact to supply power at record low tariff

Files petition with CERC to prevent SECI and Power Grid Corp from encashing bank guarantee and letter of comfort submitted for project

Updated On: 21 May 2020 | 1:54 AM IST

Staring at uncertainty, India's solar industry searches for a ray of hope

If falling tariffs were pressuring project developers before, the new safeguard duty on panels adds another cloud of uncertainty to the stiff targets the government has set

Updated On: 20 Aug 2018 | 9:12 PM IST

Chinese and Malaysian solar panels face 25% safeguard duty in India

The Indian solar manufacturing had asked for 95 per cent safeguard duty on imports

Updated On: 17 Jul 2018 | 2:00 AM IST

Second half of 2018 begins with a bang

Solar tariffs in India made headlines again, dropping to the record low levels seen last year

Updated On: 11 Jul 2018 | 6:00 AM IST

Solar tariff bottoms out, may not drop beyond all-time low of Rs 2.44/unit

During 2017, solar power tariff hovered around Rs 2.4 per unit level only in auctions for capacities

Updated On: 07 Jan 2018 | 2:15 PM IST

Solar tariff sees minor correction; rises to Rs 2.65 a unit in Gujarat bids

A recent tender for 500 MW of solar power projectsin Gujarat witnessed tariff going up in range of Rs 2.65-3.36 per unit. This isa minor correction from the last lowest bidding of Rs 2.44 per unit discoveredin Rajasthan. Impact of new tax regime under GST andincrease in cost of panels coming from China has led to escalation in tariff discoveredin this latest tender. Chennai based GRT Jewellers quoted thelowest tariff of Rs 2.65 per unit for 90 MW of project capacity. It wasfollowed by Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited and GujaratIndustries Power Limited which quoted Rs 2.66 and Rs 2.67 per unit respectivelyfor 75 MW each. NYSE listed Azure Power won 350 MW by quoting Rs 2.67 per unit. The tender was called by Gujarat Urja VikasNigam Limited. Other bidders in race were ReNew Power, Tata Power RenewableEnergy Limited, UK based Lightsource Renewable Energy India Assets Ltd, FortumPower and Torrent Power. "The 5 per cent GST on solar effectivelyincreases the cost by 10-20 ..

Updated On: 20 Sep 2017 | 2:09 AM IST