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Capital markets regulator Sebi has disposed of 5,636 complaints in December last year through its complaint redressal system SCORES platform. According to Sebi data, the complaints pending as of November 30, 2024, stood at 5,826. During December, the regulator received 5,193 fresh complaints, bringing the total applications to 11,019. Of these, 5,383 complaints remained unresolved as of December 31, 2024, the regulator said in a public notice on Tuesday. The markets watchdog also highlighted that the average resolution time taken by entities to submit Action Taken Reports (ATRs) to investors in December was eight days. For complaints escalated to the first-level review, the average resolution time was five days, showcasing the efficacy of the updated system. Under the upgraded SCORES 2.0 framework, complaints are automatically forwarded to the concerned entity, which is given 21 days to submit an ATR to the investor. If dissatisfied, investors can opt for a first-level review wit