Tyre Imports

OEM recovery, robust replacement demand to boost Apollo Tyres revenues

Price hikes to offset some of the the surge in raw material costs

Updated On: 17 Dec 2020 | 12:33 AM IST

Tyre makers cautious on outlook even as capacity utiliisation improves

Factors helping capacity utilisation include encouraging domestic replacement demand in passenger vehicles, two-wheelers and the farm segment, and a drop in imports

Updated On: 02 Oct 2020 | 10:59 PM IST

Tyre industry calls for curbs as imports remain buoyant despite lockdown

In the first 11 months of FY20, a year that saw economic slowdown in India and reduced demand, tyres worth $385 million still made their way to the country

Updated On: 19 Jun 2020 | 3:56 AM IST

Tyre makers to go through rough patch due to slowdown in auto sector

Following a 6.7% growth in FY19, the domestic tyre demand is estimated to grow at a lower rate of 3-4% (volume) during FY20, according to Icra

Updated On: 07 Aug 2019 | 11:23 PM IST

Tyre industry petitions against imports from China

As per industry estimates, 5,000-6000 jobs at least have been lost in the past few months

Updated On: 05 Jul 2016 | 1:11 AM IST