Business Standard

A Biography of Innovations: How to develop a culture with creative failures

Organisations can develop an innovative culture by institutionalising creative failures, too, says R Gopalakrishnan in his latest book, A Biography of Innovations

Chester Carlson

Chester Carlson, a prolific innovator who was fired from Bell Laboratories for ‘his failed business schemes outside of the company’, is generally considered the inventor of photocopying

R Gopalakrishnan
When an organization wants to be more accepting of failure and experimental, what are the barriers? Everyone agrees that breakthrough attempts are essential for innovation and, hence, the risk of failure must be accepted by organizations.
A Biography of Innovations From Birth to Maturity; Author: R Gopalakrishnan; Publisher: Penguin Pages: 256; Price: Rs 399
What everyone sees in reality is that organizational rewards go only to those who deliver fault-free work. There is even academic research to evidence this fact. For example, the creative folks in advertising

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