Dropping an oblique hint to the rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL), the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has said that no player registered with any of its affiliated units should participate in any tournament or match which does not have BCCI approval. BCCI has issued a circular to state units, which said a decision to this effect had been taken at the Working Committee meeting in Delhi on June 12. In the same meeting, BCCI also shot down the Essel-group backed ICL, denying them approval. No office bearer or member of any affiliated unit, member of the board, member of any committee or sub-committee of the board should associate in any manner with the individuals or organisations conducting or planning to conduct such tournaments or matches, the circular said. It also debarred member associations, present or former players deriving monetary or other benefits from the board including the welfare schemes from associating themselves in any manner with the organisation and conduct of such unapproved tournaments/matches. Any infringement of the aforesaid decisions should be deemed to be a misconduct in terms of articles of memorandum and rules and regulations of the BCCI, it said. Former captain Kapil Dev and ex-stumper Kiran More have joined the ICL board, while Sandeep Patil was recently roped in as a coach for the league. Though organisers are yet to confirm, the likes of Shane Warne, Brian Lara, Glenn McGrath, Nathan Astle and Chris Cairns are expected to take part in the event. |