Russi Mody (1984-92) |
If you were to do a SWOT analysis of Tata Steel today, what does the future look like for Tata Steel? |
Do you think the Corus acquisition was too ambitious a move for Tata Steel?
What do you dream for Tata Steel today?
Jamshed J Irani (1992-2001) |
How do you see Tata Steel poised over the next decade?
In terms of best management practices, where does Tata Steel stand compared to its global peers?
How can Tata Steel be best defined today?
B Muthuraman (2001 to now) |
"More than a chronology of events, Tata Steel is an enterprise of enduring values as propounded by our founder, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. It is a company which since its inception has been following the principles, ideals and philosophy laid down by Jamsetji. It is a value-driven organisation which has never compromised on corporate governance, customer delight, creation of wealth and sustaining the well being of our society and nation. Its vision and mission has always echoed the guidelines of its forefathers who had always believed in returning to the community where it operates what you take from them" |