What I've Liked The Leader Is In You |
We Indians are a very tolerant lot. I don't think anyone else puts themselves in other people's shoes as much as we do. Which is probably the only way this seething mass of a billion (and increasing) manages to live side by side with comparatively less friction than most other nations could, or would. |
But the closer we are forced to live with each other, the greater is the need for humankind's finer qualities like sensitivity and concern to be even more heightened. So it is with great joy that I watched the young lady, and more so the bridegroom, in one of Lead India's TVCs, take the lead by deciding to have a silent baraat. There must not be even one among us who haven't felt enraged by the callousness with which celebrations are conducted in cities. But how many of us step out and caution the revelers? We would rather clench our teeth and damn them for eternity rather than take the lead and remind them that they live in a society with old people and young children! The TVCs message is clear. Rather than waiting for the perfect leader to arrive, the time has come for the individual to exhibit leadership skills in everyday situations. And why not? If we know so much that we can criticise an elected leader, then we should be in a position to be leaders ourselves. Courage "" that ever so ephemeral quality is all that it takes. Let's hope the New India that we all talk about is able to display it at least in some small measure! |
What I've Learned Control nahin hota! |
Have you ever had one of those days when everything around you seems as if it is spinning out of control? Well, if you don't want to go through that nightmarish experience again I would like to leave a little thought with you: Let go. Yes, just two little words that can change your world for the better. Let go of trying to control your world and you can watch how things settle down on their own. So how do you figure when you are being a control freak? Simple. It is when things begin to slip out of control! |
The truth about life is that you really can't change anything or anybody. Or to put it a little bit more clearly "" you are not in control of change. If and when people and situations change, they happen independent of you. It is a rather unsettling thought I must admit, but clearly it is the truth. |
Just look back into your life and see if you have really managed to change anything or anybody and the answer will be clear. For example, even though it is a trivial one, I had, for years as Mudra's head, tried in vain to instill some sense of punctuality in our chronic "late latifs". Even after twenty-three years I can honestly say that it has been of no use. The late comers continue to come late. |
Even at home the situation is very similar. I am sure my wife and I have tried to change each other for years and both of us will agree that we have not succeeded at all! |
So how can we get all self-righteous and judgmental about other people's inability to change? The sentiment has been so aptly captured in a snack food's tag line Control nahin hota! Every time you dip into that packet of snacks or draw another puff of your cigarette annoyed at another's inability to change, take a look at your own inability to control yourself. |
The bottom line is, when you say "I can do it", then that is confidence. When you begin to feel "Only I can do it", then you are trying to control your environment. Isn't it best to advise and let go rather than making sure things are done your way "" because believe me, it will never last! |