At a Mumbai college over a decade ago, a visiting researcher from the US had a query. Of the two bespectacled dudes (hey, it was hangout time) who shaped independent India, the UK-educated one everyone on campus was highly familiar with, but it was the US-educated one who had more statues all over town; why so? The session twirled off into a statue debate. But it's unlikely that anyone's any better informed today on the "US-educated dude"""a term used in admiration. This, despite every schoolkid recognising the gentleman's name as the principal architect of India's world-wowing Constitution. Just as well, some may argue. But for the curious, Gail Omvedt's book provides at least some familiarity with the man. Would he have approved of all those statues? This reviewer would wager not.
Gail Omvedt Rs 295 166 PAGES Penguin |