Feel like sinking your teeth into scrumptious cookies and brownies that just melt in the mouth? We handpick some of these sinful delights for you just so that you know exactly what to look for this festive season.
Chip with delicious Belgian choco...
Mrs Kaur’s Premium Cookies: While there are at least 30-40 varieties of cookies that this brand serves, including the regular choco-chip (it’s to die for) with crumbled Belgian chocolate and more than a hint of walnuts, our vote goes to the all-spice molasses, a cookie mixed and dusted with cinnamon powder and dunked in a “secret golden syrup”.
An absolute delight, this cookie is priced at Rs 35 per piece. Any talk of Mrs Kaur’s Premium Cookies is incomplete without a mention of the brand’s brownies; cocoa, white chocolate bar, simple chocolate brownies and cocoa banana bars priced between Rs 50-60 each. Simply sinful. Available at outlets in the NCR or by placing your order online.
Treats from the Brownie Cottage
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Since we’re already talking brownies, it’s impossible to resist Brownie Cottage, one of the very well-known names in the Mumbai “brownie” circuit.
The brand has recently made its appearance in Delhi and their gooey brownies promise a killing with chocolate, chocolate and, you guessed it, more chocolate. Baking and selling over 1,000 brownies every single day, they tempt you towards “fusion brownies”, a mix of gooey brownies steeped generously with premium chocolates like Lindt, Oreo, Ferrero Rocher, Guliyan, Nutella and Mars, to name a few.
The chocolates are crumbled and added while the baking is in progress. Delightful to the core, these are priced between Rs 45 and Rs 85. While at it, order yourself the mud cakes, priced between Rs 550-1,350 per kg, depending on which chocolate filling lures your taste buds.
Health cookies
On the cookie — brownie — trail, we switch to a health mode and add a raisin and oatmeal flavour in our cookie jar. Priced at Rs 300 for 250 gms, Sweet Temptations is making special packages for the festive season. With more than 15 varieties of cookies, including vanilla, almond and jam cookies, you may want to sink your teeth into some, if not all of them.
Assorted flavours
Save the best for last. The cookie-trail is incomplete without a trip to Cookie Man, a brand which has spread to most parts of the country. The staff will urge you to try their freshly-baked cookies and the aroma wafting from the stores will make it impossible for you to leave.
We recently ordered an assorted jar (priced at Rs 440 for one kg) which included, besides other cookies, a cinnamon-flavoured crunchy cookie with a lovely almond topping. According to Cookie Man, this was prepared by a lady in LA four decades ago. Called “Californian”, for Rs 40 per piece.