It’s been busy times at Viikings Ventures, especially for Chairman Sachiin Joshi. What with taking over the reins at Playboy Club-promoters PB Lifestyle, holding a metaphorical pack of cards for the Indian Poker League and launching Royal Oak whisky in Mumbai, there’s been no time for the actor-producer to slack off. The desultory response to his latest bilingual film, Veedevadu (Yaar Ivan in Tamil), clearly has not affected his ambitions.
For a man whose claim to fame owes more to his having bought embattled tycoon Vijay Mallya’s Kingfisher Villa in Goa rather than to any marked cinematic success, the
For a man whose claim to fame owes more to his having bought embattled tycoon Vijay Mallya’s Kingfisher Villa in Goa rather than to any marked cinematic success, the