Neo Cricket a leading sports channel in India is all set to bring in the six months non- stop cricket action along with two new shows "One More"and "Tata Photon + Cricket Central'.
Once More” is a one-of-its kind interactive show wherein the viewer can request his/her favorite cricket clip. Whereas, “Tata Photon+ Cricket Central” is a unique show which brings the viewers daily dose of cricket news, feature stories on cricketing issues, gossip and masala corner on the lighter side of cricket.
Commenting on the launch of the brand new shows on NEO Cricket, Mautik Tolia- Head Programming, NEO Sports Broadcast said, “The launch of Once More and Tata Photon+ Cricket Central is our endeavour to present the game of cricket in its entirety to our viewers. The live format of these unique and exciting shows will involve a high level of viewer interactivity and will ensure that our viewers get the best of this cricketing season.”
Alongside the 6 months of heavy cricketing season on NEO Cricket, the launch of the two new exciting shows promises its viewers added cricketing action and non-stop entertainment.