A Game Changer’s Memoir
G N Bajpai
Portfolio Penguin
347 pages;Rs 599
Today the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is held in reasonably high esteem. Its recent reforms are widely credited with having galvanised the large-scale participation of retail investors in mutual funds. But things were not always so hunky-dory. When the author, then serving as chairman of the Life Insurance Corporation of India, was asked to take over as Sebi chairman, its prestige had taken a severe battering in the wake of a stock-manipulation scam, locally known as the Ketan Parekh scam. In this book, Mr
Today the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is held in reasonably high esteem. Its recent reforms are widely credited with having galvanised the large-scale participation of retail investors in mutual funds. But things were not always so hunky-dory. When the author, then serving as chairman of the Life Insurance Corporation of India, was asked to take over as Sebi chairman, its prestige had taken a severe battering in the wake of a stock-manipulation scam, locally known as the Ketan Parekh scam. In this book, Mr