All you people on a crash diet out there, take to fruits now. It is a great alternative to "juice fasting" and excellent for those who believe in fasting. Since a majority of fasts encourage eating fruit during fasting, an all-fruit diet ensures that your digestive system remains fully active. |
Benefits: A fruit diet is lower in calories than juice fasting, resulting in a deeper detoxification. |
What you should eat: Melons and non-acid fruits should do the trick. Too much citrus fruit will increase detoxification, so be careful. Those who wish to change over to a fruit diet will experience occasional weakness. |
Fruits high in Vitamin C, as well as citric acid, act as powerful detoxifiers, but have citrus fruits in moderation. Lemons, grapefruits and oranges have the most beneficial and powerful effect on the detoxification process. Apples, pomegranates and pears are beneficial too. |
How to approach a fruit diet: All three meals should include fresh, ripe juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, peaches and melon. Bananas should be avoided. Plain water or unsweetened lemon water is fine. |
Fruits provide fruit sugars, calcium, iron, Vitamins A, B-complex and C. Eating fruits like apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate aid the proper functioning of the heart. Fruits like apple, date and mango have a direct action on the central nervous system. |
Fruits should be particularly eaten by patients of insomnia, those suffering from tension and high- and low-blood pressure. All berries, being extremely rich in iron, phosphorus and sodium, are highly beneficial for blood building and nerve strengthening. |
Lemon is a good source to tackle liver ailments and indigestion. Watermelons are kidney cleansers. Pineapple and pomegranates are helpful in chronic nasal and bronchial ailments. The common cold may be treated with grapefruit juice. |