Google announced on Tuesday that its Android Auto service will be available in India and 17 other countries. Introduced last year, the Android Auto allows the in-dash entertainment system of a car to stream music, relay messages and calls and offer provide directions.
The app automatically provides useful information and organises it into simple cards that appear when they are needed. These include Google Maps (with free voice-guided navigation, live traffic information and lane guidance), Google Play Music, access to phone calls and text messages, and several apps.
“Android Auto was designed with safety in mind,” says a Google statement. “With a simple and intuitive interface, integrated steering wheel controls, and powerful new voice actions, it's designed to minimise distraction so you can stay focused on the road.”
To use the app, one needs an Android Auto compatible vehicle or aftermarket radio and an Android phone running 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher. When you connect your Android phone to the compatible vehicle or radio, Android Auto will display applications on the vehicle’s screen.
The Android Auto is compatible with several cars across different brands. They include Audi, Chevrolet, Honda, Hyundai, Mahindra and Skoda. Kenwood and Pioneer have also launched systems compatible with the app.
Source : BS Motoring