Mahindra Two Wheelers has launched its flagship motorcycle ‘Mojo’ across 11 states in India, as part of the second phase of its nationwide launch. Mojo has set new benchmarks in styling, performance, and riding quality ever since it hit Indian roads in October last year.
“The Mojo is one of the most exciting products from the Mahindra Two Wheelers stable,” said Vinod Sahay, chief operating officer, Mahindra Two Wheelers. “Taking this sentiment forward, the bike will now be available across 14 states and 34 dealerships, thus making it possible for more consumers to have access to a superior touring bike.”
To further enhance the engagement between Mojo owners, the company is creating communities in cities where it is launched. The Mojo Tribe will provide a platform for Mojo owners to share their riding experiences and plan similar trails with fellow members. Owners can also share live updates via the exclusive Mojo Tribe Mobile App, he added.
This 295cc motorcycle has a liquid cooled, fuel injected, single cylinder engine that produces 27PS and 30Nm. It is designed with a bias towards touring requirements and one of its strong points is the refined engine and massive 21-litre fuel tank. Mahindra has also thrown in a decent kit which includes, USD front forks, gas charged mono-shock, Pirelli Diablo Rosso II tyres and a 320mm petal disc up front.
The handlebar and footrest placement of MOJO offer an upright riding stance that enhances the comfort of long distance riding.
MOJO also features twin pod head lamps with LED guide light and LED tail lamps. The fully loaded console includes a digital speedometer with fuel gauge, dual trip meter, and analogue tachometer. The twin-exhaust system is specially designed to produce a unique note.
Source : BS Motoring