Mahindra & Mahindra has launched its limited edition Scorpio Adventure variant model in India at a starting price of Rs.13.07 lakh (ex-showroom, Mumbai) and Rs.13.62 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). The company has announced that the production of the new Scorpio Adventure will be limited to only 1,000 vehicles.
The limited edition Scorpio Adventure is based on the popular top-end model 'S10' of the New Generation Scorpio, and comes with a number of new features and style decals that matches its adventure theme.
Some of these new features include - gun metal alloy wheels, ORVMs with side indicators, distinctive and stylish 'Smoked' tail lamps, and the new Mist Silver and White dual-tone exteriors with adventure-themed graphics among other small additions. Apart from these, the SUV is quite similar to the standard version in terms of design and proportions.
The list of features is not just limited to the exterior profile as the cabin of the new Scorpio Adventure has also been updated. The limited edition model now comes with new faux leather seats with blue fabric insert along with faux leather-wrapped steering wheel and gear lever and rear view camera along with Adventure badging on the dashboard.
The Scorpio Adventure is available in both 2-wheel drive and 4-wheel drive options and will be offered only with a manual transmission.
Speaking on the limited edition Scorpio Adventure, Vivek Nayer, CMO, (Automotive Division) Mahindra & Mahindra, said: "With its all-terrain capability, power-packed performance and iconic design, the Scorpio is a symbol of power, thrill and adventure for more than 5 lakh owners and for the millions of fans that aspire to own a Scorpio one day. The limited edition Scorpio Adventure is in keeping with the lineage and DNA of the brand."
Source : BS Motoring