Mahindra & Mahindra launched its latest SUV, the NuvoSport, on Monday. The NuvoSport is available at Mahindra dealerships across India and is being sold at Rs. 7.35 lakhs (ex-showroom Thane for N4 variant).
Key highlights of the new model include its autoSHIFT (AMT) technology, the same New Generation Platform as Scorpio, a 1.5-litre mHawk100 diesel engine that delivers 74.6 kW (100 bhp) of power and best in class torque of 240 Nm, flexible 5+2 seating, a unique adjustable and reclining 2nd row, plush dual tone interiors, faux leather upholstery, 15.75cm (6.2") Touchscreen Infotainment System, ABS with EBD and dual airbags available right from the base variant as optional and standard from the mid variant.
“Mahindra enjoys leadership position in the Indian SUV market,” said Pravin Shah, president and chief executive, Mahindra & Mahindra. “We are committed to retaining this leadership through a class-leading product portfolio, which we offer for meeting the entire spectrum of customer aspirations at various price points.
While its current SUV portfolio is quite comprehensive, the company identified a need gap where consumers are looking for a true blue SUV that will enable their active lifestyles. “The launch of the NuvoSport with its unique positioning encourages consumers to go out and fulfil their bucket lists in the area of adventure sports. We are confident the NuvoSport will emerge as yet another winner from our stable,” he added.
The NuvoSport is available in six variants and it comes in six attractive shades of Molten Red, Rust Orange, Diamond White, Regal Blue, Mist Silver and Fiery Black.
Source : BS Motoring