West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today said that West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (WBIDC) had completed nearly 75% of the 8km fencing required to enclose the 997 acre acquired for handing over to Tata Motors for its proposed Rs 1 lakh car plant. Bhattacharjee said the government would hand over the land at Singur to Tata Motors in a few days. Around 1,300 people, mostly locals, enlisted by the WBIDC were working on putting up posts for the fencing at Singur on a daily wage basis, he said. Following the non-stoppage of fencing work, Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee went on an indefinite fast today. Updated at 1520 hrs: Naxals damage Tata Motors' Kolkata showroom A showroom of Tata Motors in the central business district of Kolkata was vandalised today, allegedly by Naxalites, police said. Several unindentified persons armed with sticks and iron rods and carrying posters opposing the farm land aquisition by the West Bengal government for Tata Motors at Singur shattered the window panes of the showroom located at A J C Bose Road. They also put up posters on the showroom wall before fleeing, police said adding no arrests have been made so far. Update at 1413 hrs: BJP president Rajnath Singh along with party leaders from West Bengal were arrested, and social activist Medha Patkar detained by the police today on their way to Singur where fencing work at the Tata Motors small car project site continued amidst strong police vigilance. Singh, who arrived in Kolkata this morning, was stopped by the police at Maitipara on Durgapur Expressway, 25 km away from Singur, and arrested along with state party president Sukumar Banerjee and secretary Rahul Sinha under section 151 of the CrPC. They were freed on bail immediately, Hooghly Police Superintendent Supratim Sarkar said. Patkar, who had started from the city by a local train with two others, had disembarked at Sheoraphuli station on the Howrah-Bandel section and had reached Purushottampur, 10 km away from Singur, by autorickshaw when the policemen stopped her, threw a cordon and took her forcibly to Dankuni. She is being kept at the CIL guest house at Dankuni. This was the third time that Patkar has been prevented by the police from reaching Singur in less than a week. |