Tamil Nadu's textile industry is set to become a $40-50 billion industry by 2015 with the potential to create as many as 50 lakh new jobs, says a CII Study on 'Mapping of Human Resource Skills in Tamil Nadu 2015'. Tamil Nadu's textile sector is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12-13%, and the study estimates that the sector's current manpower requirement - about 45-50 lakh - is likely to touch 95-100 lakh by 2015. "The state is well-positioned to capitalise on the post-WTO scenario since it has an established textile industry base, is home to more than 40% of large and medium spinning mills in India, and produces a third of the Indian spun yarn. Tamil Nadu also enjoys a leadership position in spinning, weaving, knitted fabric and apparel segments," the report said. The spinning, weaving and processing have matured as high capital intensive and low labour intensive segments of the textile industry while knitting and garmenting have evolved to be low capital and high labour intensive, the study said. All the industry segments have manpower skill gaps at both the operator and supervisory levels. However, productivity levels in the textile sector are likely to go up in the wake of increased competition, technology infusion and supply-chain dynamics. The state's textile industry is highly influenced by government policies, globalisation and the impact of WTO, development in retailing and technology and supply chain integration, the study said. |