ABB India, a power and automation technology group, has won orders worth Rs 220 crore from Tata Projects Limited to provide power products and solutions for a super-critical coal-fired power plant under construction in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The Krishnapatnam thermal power plant will be first in India to deploy super-critical technology on a large scale.
Super critical technology ensures more efficient power generation and therefore lowers co2 emissions by using high steam temperatures and pressures than conventional plants.
“We are proud of our long-standing partnership with the Tata Group. With this order we continue to build on this relationship” said Biplab Majumder, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, ABB India.
"This power plant will meet growing demand for electricity in the region and support economic growth with reliable supply of power", he added.
Under the terms of the contract, ABB will provide an electrical balance of plant (eBoP) solution, including transformers, switchgear and protection equipment, as well as a 400-kilovolt turnkey substation to facilitate power transmission from the plant.
ABB will also provide system engineering, installation, testing, commissioning and overall project management. The project is being executed by APPDCL (Andhra Pradesh Power Development Company Limited) and Tata Projects are the BoP (Balance of Plant) contractors. It is scheduled for completion in 2012.