Kishore Chhabria-promoted Allied Blenders & Distillers (ADB) is set to take on premium Indian whisky brands such as Blenders Pride and Signature with a new product, expected to hit the market early next year. The product, to be launched in Delhi and Kolkata initially, will be priced at par with Blenders Pride and - Rs 850-900/750-ml bottle. Of the 304-million-cases of Indian made foreign liquor market, whisky accounts for 172 million cases. Of this, premium whisky accounts for seven million cases. Currently, the premium whisky market in India is dominated by two brands - Pernord Ricard's Blenders Pride (45 per cent market share) and United Spirits' Signature (18 per cent).
Deepak Roy, executive vice-chairman and chief executive, ABD, said, "We keep expanding our product basket with different categories. After a successful entry into the semi-premium and semi-premium plus categories, we are all set to enter the premium category. Also, the margins are more attractive in the premium space. This will boost our bottom line."
The new brand, he said, would have a peaty flavour. ABD had launched the Officer's Choice Blue and Black in the semi-premium and semi-premium plus spaces, respectively.